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Search Tips for the Literature Database SGI-Line

1 - Search screen, characters and parentheses
2 - Search operators
3 - Search fields
4 - Icons for searching and navigation

1 - Search screen, characters and parentheses

Search screen
When searching the SGI-Line Database a search screen with different search entries is used. One or more search terms are entered in one or more of the search entries.

If more than one search term is used in a search entry, the system puts a boolean "AND" between them. The same is valid in between search entries.

All fields entry
In the search entry "All fields", it is possible to restrict a search to a specific field in SGI-Line. This is done by adding a two-letter field name beginning and ending with a dot.
Example: clay.ct. ct = Keywords (Controlled terms), from List of Keywords or
D06.cc. cc = Classification Code, from Classification system (IGC).

Parentheses are used to nest search terms and override the precedence rules.
Example: (clay OR peat) AND settlement.

Wildcard characters
The wildcard character * matches zero or more continuous characters. The wildcard character can represent characters at the beginning, the middle or the end of a word. Example: *onsolidat*.
Masking is achieved by using. Example: stabili?ation.

When searching for accents the character is entered without accents. Example: é is searched as e.

Special characters
The character ü is represented and searched as ü. Instead of using these special letters (ü, å, ä ,ö), the wildcard for a single character ? can be used. To type the character ü press the button "¨" and then the "u".

2 - Search operators

AND All search terms must occur
OR One or more of the search terms must occur
NOT One or more of the search terms must not occur
SAME The search terms must occur in the same sentence
WITH The search terms must occur in the same sentence
NEAR The search terms must occur adjacent to each other but in any order
NEARn The search terms must occur with n words in between (NEAR1, NEAR2, NEAR3, etc)
ADJ The search terms must occur adjacent to each other in a specific order
ADJn The search terms must occur adjacent to each other with n words in between (ADJ1, ADJ2, ADJ3, etc)

3 - Search fields

All Fields - search entry

When searching the "All fields" entry all fields in the database are searched. However, it is possible to restrict a search to a specific field in the database. This is done by adding a two-letter field name beginning and ending with a dot. Example: clay.ct. ct = Keywords.

Field name Description Example
ti Title landslide.ti.
au Author Terzaghi.au.
pb Publication/Publisher Wiley,pb.
pp Publication place Stockholm.pp.
cc Classification code (IGC) D06.cc.
ct Keywords (Controlled terms) clay.ct.
ab Abstract relaxation.ab
bn ISBN x-xxx-xxxxx-x.bn. (International Serial Book Number)
Classification system - International Geotechnical Classification system (IGC)
List of Keywords - 800 geotechnical terms List of Keywords

Title/title words - search entry

Enter word/words from the title. Example: ground freezing. You can change search operator (AND, OR, NOT, ...) between title words, the default operator is AND (ground AND freezing).

Author(s) - search entry

Enter the name of the author or editor by giving the last name followed by a space and intial(s) in any order. Example: Peck RB or RB Peck.

Source - search entry

Enter journal name, conference name, publisher for books, publishing organization for reports. Example: Canadian Geotechnical Journal.

Keyword(s) - search entry

Enter keyword(s) or controlled terms taken from a list of about 800 geotechnical terms.
Example: slope stability List of Keywords.

Search on geographical name. Example: Stockholm

You can change search operator (AND, OR, NOT, ...) between keywords, the default operator is AND.

Classification System
The International Geotechnical Classification System (IGC) is used for classification.
Enter one or several classification codes. Example: B03.

You can change search operator (AND, OR, NOT, ...) between codes, the default operator is AND.

Limit search to Years

Limit search to years of publication. Alternatives: 2000- or 1990-

Limit search to Language

Limit search to language. Alternatives: English, French, German and Swedish

4 - Icons for searching and navigation

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E-mail: info@swedgeo.se Phone: +46 13 20 18 04 Fax: +46 13 20 19 09

Latest update 2008-04-08